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a donut discovery

On 17, Dec 2011 | 2 Comments | In sharing, Uncategorized | By Natalie

this week i was
introduced to a new friend.

it was instant attraction.
some might call it:
love at first look.

upon the first moments 
of being together
it felt like we had known
each other all along.
like we’d never
been apart.

this friend was meant for me.
and i was, obviously meant
for this friend.

this is the friend
i had never known
i had always been waiting for.

and that is why our meeting is
serendipitously perfect.
a true fairytale
if you’ve ever heard one.

we met.
at a neighborhood favorite
called the Donut Cooperative

it took me a minute to know.
to know that is was
indeed this friend.
this friend that was meant
to be.

but after she was
on the plate.
all doubts were far far away.
like probably as
far as St. Paul.
that’s how far.

her name?
curry coconut donut.

depends on who you are,
but you might have to
trust me on this one.

she was perfect in 
every way.

the other person i was
there with
…she made other friends.
but none as special
as my new friend.

 the whole place was

full of vibrant color &
clean-straight lines.

there is one cozy corner
to saddle up to 
if your desire is to
stay the morning away.

the staff is quirky & kind
and just crazy about
their creations.

the owner Dawn was there
that morning.
baking away.
and she seemed genuinely
pleased to know
her donut brilliance
brought me 
and my new friend together.

and i will probably
never be the same again. 

so dear curry coconut donut.
until we meet again.
at the,
yours truly.

– n. 



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In noticing

By Natalie

extra courage.

On 15, Dec 2011 | No Comments | In noticing | By Natalie

start again.

i watched a young girl
do this precise
while trying to cross the street
this morning.

cars passing her by the many
she struggled to know
to make that move.
that step.

i wanted her to be careful.
the cars were moving too quickly
for neighborhood streets and
paying no mind
to a little girl 
in a purple hood.

you can do it,
i heard myself whisper inside
my thoughts.

those first steps often require
the most intention.
and courage.

directions were being hollered
from across the street.
go, go, go!”
“no, no. wait wait!”
“come on!

but still she hesitated.
something hesitated.

no doubt she could do it
on her own.
she looked more than capable with
a younger-brother-hand 
encased in her own.
no doubt she’d done it
times before.

but sometimes the road.
the same as yesterday
looks different
the thing you did yesterday
it feels unknown today.
different somehow.

another car.
not yet!”
“wait wait!”
“no, no, not now.”

and sometimes
even those trying to be helpful
are just words
in the space around you.

the intention
and courage are inside.
you know they are.
but summoning them
in that moment
seem impossible.

there i was.
standing next to the
purple hood.

sometimes asking is the 
hardest part.

i put my hand out.
found her wide brown eyes
staring back at me.
“maybe we can go together.”
i ask.

she breathed deep
and nodded up at me.

and together we went.
fully capable on our own.
but together nonetheless.

sometimes we need 
that extra
to do the very thing
right in front of

may that extra courage
find you.

mine did.

– n.



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In sharing

By Natalie

changes like: bangs.

On 13, Dec 2011 | No Comments | In sharing | By Natalie

things change.
and sometimes there is nothing 
around you reflecting
that change you feel.

what can be done?
sometimes nothing.
but sometimes
something must be done.

something drastic.

to remind you everyday
of the change you
feel all around.
and of the change you
feel within yourself. 

this past week.
i did that something drastic.


i got bangs.

i didn’t just get bangs 
i went to the cutest, most
shabby-est of chic-ish interior
shabby-chic has ever seen before.

i tell no lies.
this is not something to
joke about.
that’s how perfectly
fabulous it was.

where was i
you ask?

why! this lovely place,

yes you did just read
salon & creative space.

if only i wasn’t so busy
eye-goggling mirrors,
wallpaper & chaise lounges
pillows & birdcages
lamps & wall art…

if only i wasn’t so absorbed
in the act of
you know, getting bangs…

i would have snapped some
photos to share.
because this place.
this salon & creative space
must be known.

but alas
the only visual i can share
is what can be found on 
their website.

no matter.
you’ll just have to visit
yourself i guess.

tucked between the hour car rental
& the bird cafe
BANGbang is nestled cozily
into a weathered brick exterior.
right in the Kingfield

as my stylist
stood snipping away
layer upon layer of locks,

she remarked,
“why didn’t you come after 3pm? 
then you could have sipped on a 
glass of wine.”

oh why oh why
didn’t i?!

instead i enjoyed my
orange juice.
next time, i promised
my palate. 

i had to ask her.
as she snipped snipped away.
because what she was doing
was pretty typical.
yet how she approached it
…something was

“each head of hair
is my canvas,” she remarked.
“to create, style and transform.
that’s the fun part.
the creating.
helping to create
the change for people.
that’s why i do this.”

and that,
is precisely what she did.
style & trim.
here, here & then suddenly
… there.
an artist in her
own right.

her work
reflected something deep
inside that
was begging to be

BANGbang assisted me
in that expression.

“there!” she said,
twisting me around to see
her final touches.
“i’m done here.”

good, i thought.
now my work begins.
to settle into
the change inside
as well as the change
that is now
staring right back at

“oh yeah, and pop in
for a bang trim.
they’re free!”

i can’t exactly remember.
but i think
i might have hugged

have you been to BANGbang?
do tell. do tell.

– n.

one. then two. then twenty.

On 04, Dec 2011 | No Comments | In noticing, remembering | By Natalie

then two.
then five.
then twenty.
and then one hundred thousand.

and hours later.
our world is.

tugged in tighter.
warm beverages 
cupped between thankful
cozy-ers cozy in to their
someone closer.

and the candles lite hold 
the color
of our glowing, flickering existence.

and hours later.
our world is….

have i ever seen this 
brillance of new 
every time i ask myself.

my collection of memories seem
to encourage me that…
in fact i know this.

but the shimmer. 
gentle gracing.

all. it all is new.
every time.
new again.

and hours later.
our world is 
completely changed….

… snow.

it’s the best, right?

– n.



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In sharing

By Natalie

music in the mail.

On 30, Nov 2011 | No Comments | In sharing | By Natalie

i have a favorite thing
about my new apartment here.
on this side of the

it’s the mail slot.

{often the simple things

it’s charming.
it’s old.
it’s from the 1920’s.

but you know, sometimes the mail
gets a little stuck
in there.

so you have to tug.
and sometimes
the mail
takes an unfortunate
hit for this.

{oh well}.

something new happened.

a package.
held my name.
propped nicely beneath
#106 mail slot.

that’s strange,
no cyber monday
shopping done here.

i tucked the package
under my arm with the
rest of little victories 
from the tug-o-mail.

hands full.
i set the loads in my arms
down and promptly 
forgot all about
this little brown package.

until later.

when i finally stopped 
for a minute to remember.

how can you forget mail?
and a package at that!
{still unsure.}

i opened the brown paper 
to find
two CDs:
one christmas. and one not.
and a note.

from a kind gentleman
that i met once.

we had chatted and connected 
on our mutual love for 

here he was
sending me some of 
his son’s choir tunes.
wondering if i might
enjoy them.

might i?!
oh yes i might..
and i’m going to try
my absolute best
to perhaps see the famous
this december 9.

any joiners?

we can sit and
rub our goosebump-ed arms


rub your arms moments: are you listening?

On 30, Nov 2011 | No Comments | In remembering | By Natalie

i once had a teacher
who would rub her arms 
full of goosebumps and implore
her class,
“shhh! shhhh!!
did you hear it?!
weren’t you listening?!”

she was not everyone’s favorite.
she gave us B’s.
sometimes C’s.
shook her head
and told us we weren’t trying hard enough,
just when we thought we were.

she marched out when we were
she pursed her lips, piercing 
us with silence, when we
didn’t listen.
she moaned when we couldn’t
hear our own faults.

and worse…
she made us do it 
again & again & again.

we would say, i’m no good.
she would say, you can be.
we would say, i can’t.
she would say, you can.
we would say, i won’t ever.
she would say, you will.
but we loved her.

when she was absent for even a day,
we begged to have her back.
she stole our hearts.

we might not have known.
she might not have known.
it didn’t matter.
because she taught us
what she was.







she taught us these things.

but most importantly
she taught us
to listen.

to listen to 
our own voice.
to the voice beside us.
and the voices all around.

she taught us to love beauty.
beauty that we
standing together
working toward one thing…

she taught us
harmony and perfection
could come into a single moment.

she taught us to
notice the moments.

she would gasp.
and glow.
her excitement
and wonder penetrating the room,
rubbing her arms.

“did you hear it?!
are you listening?”

the body knows beauty.

but she taught us to listen for it.
and appreciate it.

this teacher
she doesn’t know. 
she can’t.
of how often my mind wanders to her.
to her classes
where she would push and push us.
bubble with pleasure
rubbing to her arms…

because of her,
there is always something for me
about a choir…
those moments.
only envoked by voices
working together.
to create
those moments of perfection… harmony
and utter beauty.

it touches something deep inside.

do you hear it?
are you listening?

may choirs find you.
may you find them.
and may you notice
the moments.
and rub arms full of goosebumps.

let the season begin,

ps beautiful images found herehere & here.

revisiting old friends.

On 22, Nov 2011 | No Comments | In remembering, sharing | By Natalie

i am constantly looking
for new books to read.
new releases.
the best of 2011.
the best books in the last century.
must reads.
new york time reviews.
meandering through bookstores.
yes please.
as much as i love the new.
lately in my book reading
i’ve taken sometime
to do some remembering…
some revisiting…
have you revisited any of your
and most favoritest
of friends lately?
have you dusted them off
and paid them some long
quality time?
have you smiled the knowing
smile when the part comes
and you know precisely
how your friend
will respond?
“just how many dresses
did you say you had, Wanda Petronski?”
“a hundred. a hundred dresses.
all lined up in my closet.”
“i’ll give him a balloon.
i’ve got one left from my party.”
“that, Piglet, is a 
very good idea…
it will cheer Eeyore up.
nobody can be
uncheered with
a balloon.”
“Mr. Bennet, you take delight 
in vexing me. 
you have no compassion on
my poor nerves.”
“you mistake me, my dear. 
i have a high respect 
for your nerves. 
they are my old friends. 
i have heard you mention them with 
consideration these twenty years 
at least!”
and in your revisiting?
have you noticed something
you haven’t noticed before?
“but of course we can’t take
any credit
for our talents. 
it’s how we use them 
that counts.”
and so it is with
reoccurring visits.
with these old friends
there is a
sort of
than cannot be explained.
can you remember the first
time you were
to these gems?
for some yes.
for some no.
for some friends are so deep
apart of me
i cannot remember not knowing.
but others are new friends
and their wisdom
is still sinking in.
have you read any
old favorites as of late?
due tell…
due tell…

poetry. no i mean poetry.

On 10, Nov 2011 | 3 Comments | In Uncategorized | By Natalie

i have two friends
who first introduced me
to poetry.

and not just the rhyming
imagery, prose and verse.
i mean the kind
that when the reader
reaches the end of the poem,
the reader will never
be the same.

poetry that is
earth altering
jaw clenching
wind knocking.

poetry that exposes.
poetry that disrupts.

poetry that introduces you to
a piece of your soul
you never knew was
in you.

so i thought i would share.
these words…today.

when the changing of seasons
is in the air.

when the busy people
busy around.

when dreamers dream.

when occupiers occupy.

when the trees groan and bend
to the will of the wind.

when hopefuls beg themselves
not to give up.

but i must warn you.
only read if you are ready.
only read if you are ready…

Love the quick profit, the annual raise,
vacation with pay. Want more
of everything ready-made. Be afraid
to know your neighbors and to die.
And you will have a window in your head.
Not even your future will be a mystery
any more. Your mind will be punched in a card
and shut away in a little drawer.
When they want you to buy something
they will call you. When they want you
to die for profit they will let you know.

So, friends, every day do something
that won’t compute. Love the Lord.
Love the world. Work for nothing.
Take all that you have and be poor.
Love someone who does not deserve it.
Denounce the government and embrace
the flag. Hope to live in that free
republic for which it stands.
Give your approval to all you cannot
understand. Praise ignorance, for what man
has not encountered he has not destroyed.

Ask the questions that have no answers.
Invest in the millenium. Plant sequoias.
Say that your main crop is the forest
that you did not plant,
that you will not live to harvest.
Say that the leaves are harvested
when they have rotted into the mold.
Call that profit. Prophesy such returns.

Put your faith in the two inches of humus
that will build under the trees
every thousand years.
Listen to carrion – put your ear
close, and hear the faint chattering
of the songs that are to come.
Expect the end of the world. Laugh.
Laughter is immeasurable. Be joyful
though you have considered all the facts.
So long as women do not go cheap
for power, please women more than men.
Ask yourself: Will this satisfy
a woman satisfied to bear a child?
Will this disturb the sleep
of a woman near to giving birth?

Go with your love to the fields.
Lie down in the shade. Rest your head
in her lap. Swear allegiance
to what is nighest your thoughts.
As soon as the generals and the politicos
can predict the motions of your mind,
lose it. Leave it as a sign
to mark the false trail, the way
you didn’t go. Be like the fox
who makes more tracks than necessary,
some in the wrong direction.
Practice resurrection.

this poem is by a brilliant man,
wendell berry.
Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front.

do you have a poem that
you love?
and loves you?

please share.

– n.

good-bye shampoo {the hair experiment}.

On 03, Nov 2011 | 4 Comments | In Uncategorized | By Natalie

part 1: the explanation

Have we spoken today? Or in the past 9 months? Because if we have, I know I have told you about this little hair experiment. And finally, I am ready to share it in the world of blogs. First I shared it with this really awesome UK group called Global Cool. It’s just a short overview, so if you are needing more details. Please read on.

part 2: you want me to do what!?

Have you ever wondered why we scrub a bubbly substance into our head and scalp but wince, whimper, cry or even curse when that substance sneaks in, burning our eyes? It’s just how it is, right? Wrong. Something about that should seem strange.

So when a friend of mine approached me about doing a little hair experiment with her that involved saying goodbye to shampoo and conditioner…for forever!…I was greatly intrigued.

part 3: the reasons why.

Great research has been done about how most commercial shampoos contain ingredients chemicals found in anti-freeze, engine de-greasers and brake fluid. These chemicals have been proven to absorb into the brain and skin up to three times faster than water. What!? Read for yourself

Take a gander at just a few of the chemicals often found in our shampoos.

  • Coal tar — a proven cancer-causing chemical
  • ZPTO — known to offer side-effects such as headaches, naesua, or strong alergic reactions
  • Menthol — which has yet to be safety tested for it’s side-effects 

Surprisingly, baby shampoos are even worse than adult shampoos because they contain higher levels of ethylene oxide to avoid the eye irritation. But this chemical is a proven endocrine disruptor. An endocrine disruptor is a chemical that negatively affects the hormone system, specifically known to cause learning disabilities, sexual development problems and much, much more {read what the EPA has to say here}.

Not only are we pouring these chemicals onto our heads and bodies, but we are polluting the water systems in our sewage system as well. Learn more about how buying cosmetics has affected our planet: the story of cosmetics.

So the hope of shiny, thick, full, smooth and glossy locks of hair…must we throw this dream out the window?! No no no. Don’t you worry. There are other options…

part 4: so where can we turn?

In the past, I have been a purchaser of those natural, organic, very expensive, green, beautifully packaged, very expensive, enticingly bottled, shampoos and conditioners. I love them. I love how they smell. I love how soft they make my hair. I love how pretty they are. But because these shampoos are high quality and pretty fabulous products, made with {mostly} good ingredients, they are $$$ expensive!

These products cost me my paycheck, and that, I’m just not so fond of. Also I learned that not all organic shampoos are made without chemicals…which is confusing right? So, you must choose wisely.

There’s got to be another way, especially if you are buying organic shampoos and conditioners for the whole family. And I’m here to tell you, there is.

part 5: turn to your kitchen cupboard.

Now I would like to enter exhibit A in all it’s simple brilliance

{exhibit A: baking soda}
this 8 oz. box purchased for $0.50

Get this, using shampoo strips your hair of it’s naturally produced oils, so by using shampoo, your hair has to find away to adapt. You know what it does? It produces more oils. By leaving shampoo out of your hair, your hair has a chance to normalize its pH levels by producing and keeping the amount of oil it desires.

Now, this normalization of your hairs oils typically takes anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks. The blog world supports this assertion, leaving people with varying levels of greasiness for what could be days or a month. Not sounding so fun anymore?

Just think about it. How long has your hair and scalp been used to this oil-striping-shampoo? It has to get used to a new-normal. Give your locks a break! 

Part 6: you just gotta get in the shower.

Start first with some baking soda, not to be confused with baking powder [which was learned from an extremely unfortunate changing of the soda and the powder, this mixup is not a happy mistake].

This little box of baking soda, I  purchased will last me well into spring 2012. Now that is a good deal.

Once you are standing in the shower, dump a little baking soda, nickel size amount into the palm of your hand. Turn off the shower stream {if you choose}, then let a few drips of water hit the baking soda, creating a little creamy paste substance. 

Flip your head over and direct the paste-like substance into the roots of your hair.  Focus on the greasiest areas of your scalp, the crown of your head, your part, etc.etc.etc.

Now, give yourself a little head massage for a minute or two. Some articles say that the massaging of the scalp stimulates hair growth {here. or here or here.}

If you are looking for creating a lather by massaging the baking soda into your hair, I better tell you right now, that you won’t find it. In fact, it feels kinda gritty. But when you choose to learn a new kind of normal…you get used to it. And you know what? I even like it now.

Enter exhibit B….
 {exhibit B: apple cider vinegar}

this 16 oz. bottle was taken home for the 

price of $2.49

Apple Cider Vinegar, compliments of Trader Joe’s. I take two tablespoons of the apple cider vinegar into a small travel size spray bottle, fill the bottle the rest of the way with water. After the baking soda, spray a bit of the vinegar/water mix on the ends of your hair, not too much! Let sit for a few moments, similar to using conditioner, then rinse out.

And there you have it!

Another tip gleaned from experienced hair experimenters, if it’s available to you, grab some coconut oil before your shower and add it to the dry ends of your hair. Let it sit for a few minutes before jumping in the shower.  Winter is not far off for many of us. The past few days, I’ve  been noticing how my hair is feeling dryer and stiffer than normal. So the coconut oil has become a once a week part of my hair routine.

{Look here for more coconut oil secrets}

Coconut oil for skin and hair can be found at your local grocer for anywhere between $7 to $10. 
part 6: after thoughts.

Now I can’t remember, did you say, have we spoken today? Because, this hair experiment…I’m obsessed. I love it.

How often do you shower? Everyday? Twice a day? Hmmm…did you know that as a culture we are greatly over-showered? We have, unfortunately made showering daily the norm.

It is too much personal information to tell you I only shower {at most} 2 times a week??

Now, now, before you go blasting me for my lack of personal hygiene, I would just like to say, let’s remember back to the days of reading Laura Engels Wilder and how the knobby-kneed-me admired her all the more when I read she only bathed once a week. Obviously she is my {weekly} inspiration.

The oils our skin and body produce are important. By showering everyday we are depleting our body and hair of their natural ways to hydrate and replenish themselves.

It is important to note, that if you want to try the baking soda hair experiment, while still showering once or even twice a day, you will not like what happens. The baking soda substance will build up into your hair and let’s just say…yuck!

My suggestion? Start off easy. Try showering/washing your hair every other day. It will take your body a few days perhaps weeks to adjust, but in the end, your skin, your hair and the earth… will thank you.

part 7: and what now?

Try it!

And of course let me know what you think.

Have you already been doing this kind of thing for years? Do you think this is the weirdest thing you’ve ever heard? Do your own research. Let me know what blogs, articles or research you find. I always love to learn more! Happy experimenting. 

Until next hair washing,
Yours truly,

– n.

remember what we’ve known.

On 02, Nov 2011 | 2 Comments | In Uncategorized | By Natalie

with autumn
and halloween in
the air.

and leaf piles
on the corners.

candy and more
candy lining 
the convenient store aisles.

i thought it might
be time
to do something
i’ve been meaning to do
for years now.

take a walk
through Lakewood Cemetery.
this Minneapolis cemetery 
was established in 1871 
just 13 years after
Minnesota received ‘statehood’.

old right?

on first noticings,
the cemetery just keeps
going, going
and going.
the trees reach high
and the grounds are 
impeccably kept.

the stillness is encompassing
and inviting.

i was taught
when i was just a
little girl
to love cemeteries.

for the stillness
for the history

for the honoring of those
who have come before.

the names.
they are written,
but they are unknown to me.
does someone still remember?

and for the stories.
is this Mother’s story
still etched in
a child or grandchild’s memory?

am i living how i am
in part because of
Mother Ida?

dear Mother and Father Wong,
have you made my
life a little easier?

dear uncle joe.
did you let your 
nieces and nephews sit on
your lap?
did you tell them stories
of the world from the 1790s.
did you remark,
“my how the world is changing!”

just when i think the
back then,
is completely unknown to me.
it is then i find
the statue of
the mother.
cuddling her joys,
just like so many
mothers do.

and i wonder,
at how somethings 
can never & will never 

cemeteries invite me 
to take a moment.
and to just gaze at the

and let the blueness
stun me.

in my wanderings
i find this little girl.
whose life seems to
have ended 
too soon.

i wonder what
dreams filled her head
and imagination.

do you remember?
can you remember?
who you wanted to be,
when you were just that small?

this woman.
my breath away.
i even hesitate to
take any bit of her
into my camera lens.

i walk round and round her.
stand next to her.
even her stoneness possess 
a presence
that overwhelms me.

i get lost
amidst the 
and statues.

but i don’t mind.
because i am just remembering
things i never knew.

or perhaps i do know.
perhaps we all know and 
perhaps we always have.

perhaps our stories our
more than we could ever imagine.
we are because they were.
i am because you are.
those before us,
those around us,
and those to come after us.

maybe we have held all those
pieces since our
first Creation.

maybe. just maybe.

happy autumn.
may we remember
what we have always known.

– n.