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On 11, Apr 2011 | No Comments | In Uncategorized | By Natalie

i could see it from my
 classroom window.
i knew it would be

so after my 36 “see you next time!” 
to my students,
i threw my things
waved a hurried goodbye
to my co-teacher,
and i was out the door.

i wanted to see the sun,
to see it say its goodbye
to the day
from the roof
of my apartment.

with my camera,
i stood tip-toe
on the corner of the
drying-rack stand.

i could just see the very last
edges of it.

it cast the most beautifully
haunting shadows and shades
over every object in its sight.

the light
made the ordinary
and intriguing.

while i starred
at the last rays 
of the beams of sun
it seemed that 
everything else went a bit
and only the sun

colors of a garden.

On 02, Apr 2011 | No Comments | In Uncategorized | By Natalie

have you ever walked through
a garden
in spring time?

when the dirt looks hard and tired?
brittle still from remeants of cold that
cling despite the sun’s beams?

untilled, rocky at the edges.
torn and cracked from
months of aloneness?
it’s hard to imagine.
that something,
that anything
come from: 
grey-ness. dull-ness.

i assess the outcome
long before the
growing as even taken place.

i often desire the end, first.
without the process.

sometimes i desire to rush things
to rush people
to rush myself
into the potential
that is waiting.

lucky for me.
lucky for you.
farming is left to the wise.
who know better.

this past weekend.
i attended a yoga purification camp
sponsored by Ayurveda Yoga studio.
a group of 40 Koreans and various foreigners
headed up to a quiet hill location in Muju.

among many experiences,
who is in?
tea meditations
PanchaKosha lecture
crying meditation
laughing meditation
yoga nidra
kriya yoga
hatha yoga
various breath techniques
forest walking meditation
all-night mediation
it feels hard to sum up in any respect.

i was introduced to many new things.
my body and mind fluctuated 
moment to moment
in how open and willing i was to push
and test myself.
all the while seeking to remain respectful
and listen to what was occurring

the balance.
is hard to have.

i couldn’t help but think
for something to grow 
there must be a cost.
or at least, there must be intention
and time.
always time.

saturday evening arrived
bringing the deep rumbling desires for dinner.
as we made our way into the
dinning area.
have i been greeted with a meal
so divinely pure.
breathtakingly beautiful.
creatively simple.

the colors.
the forms.
the concept.
so simple.

i don’t think
i’ve ever enjoyed or rejoiced
over each bit of raw food bliss.
celebrated each
color for its color.
each taste for its taste.
each juice for the juice.
well done. you grew splendidly.”

my mind wandered to the 
grey-ness. dull-ness.
of the garden in spring.
the dirt, still caked and tight.
for as far as i could see.

and i was reminded
that sometimes it takes time.
and it’s unfair to wish the growing
process away.

because it all belongs.
the slowness.
the dullness.
the aloneness.
the greenness.
the gradual life.
the intention.

sometimes we get to chance
to experience the end
even if we are in the middle.

and sometimes it might seem scary,

the end.

but sometimes
it might be as wonderful
as eating the colors 
of a garden.

and so i remind myself,
be present to the process.
and the colors.

easter and unaware.

On 28, Mar 2011 | No Comments | In Uncategorized | By Natalie

the usual reminders of Easter’s 
are not reminding.

there are no chocolate bunnies
for sale in every department store.
pastel colors have no
special place in advertising
or decals.

i hardly know what to do
with Easter. 
bunnies are not my thing.
pastels make my head sick.
waxy chocolate cannot tempt me.
egg decorating is not my hidden talent.

the Easter bunny always visited my house
leaving a small,
pink, fluffy trail behind
for two little (or grown) girls to follow
toward the basket at the end. 

i grew up excited about these traditions.
about a new Easter dress
even though this thought was always
a bit ridiculous due to
the untimely 
snowstorms that were inevitable
around Easter.
snow pilling the earth
often was the spoiler of my Easter

but Easter.
has changed.
as have i.

a couple of years ago.
i had a falling out.
with the beliefs of my youth.

it was intense.
and it affected every bit
 of my being.

there was anger,
irrational thoughts,
passionate rants,
mind-filled turmoil.
no question was too big.
it was asked.

turning turning turning
upside down
inside out and empty.
the examining of every smallest
thought in ever corner.
nothing was left 

and i found it hard…
impossible to go back.
because going back is not
an option.
all we have is the here.
and now.
and we must walk on.

but i didn’t know how.
because it was all
so new.
especially one Easter season,
not so long ago.
i didn’t know how
to celebrate.

one afternoon.
when i was with a friend.
who i deeply, deeply admire.
in the middle
of a passionate rant
i stopped.
i stopped to ask her.
“why? why does Easter even matter?”

i remember.
she paused.
for several moments.
her hand reminded those 
brown bangs
to stay behind
her ear.

“you know? i think it matters
it reminds us.
that love…
love is the way.
and love wins.

Easter? no.
it had to be more than that.
it’s about
and graves
and tombs
and death
and a son of god and woman
and re-living.

about sins
and crosses
and three days
and one answer
and lillys
and bunnies
and pastel colors.

how can it be about love?

because a man
a man, the story tells us,
named jesus.
came and lived.
and changed things.
he showed it was not
the rules
and not
the violence
that were the answers.

the rules,
the “whose in and whose out”,
the violence

they were not the way.

there was another way…

a way that wins.

the way of love.

and so may we be reminded today:
love is the way.

in the broken relationships
that you think will never be whole…

in the moments of frustration
that you think no understanding will come…

when morning comes and you are
covered in clinging sadness…

when evil stares down at you, oppresses you with 
dictators, machine guns and foreign policy…

when a child greets you
with excitement and joy…

when two worlds far far away become one
just for a few fleeting moments…

when new life comes forth
from what appeared to be only death and darkness…

when you discover that truth
is all around you…

love. is. the. way.

and this year, before the sun rises on Easter morning
i will wake and early
and find the hills
with the words from my friend
tucked securely in, around and through me.

i want to whisper something to the pines
and scream something to the wind…
that is year
i think i might believe it.

love wins.

i can’t. because it doesn’t.

On 24, Mar 2011 | No Comments | In Uncategorized | By Natalie

i can’t move.
i am glued.
i am paralyzed from movement.

even my sub-concious is preoccupied.
the necessity of blinking

is it fear?
is it status?
is it genuine concern?
is it a way of life?


power to the people!
people being slaughtered by their leader.
water rears its inescapable power.

it’s an addiction.
i must watch.
must read the minute blog updates.
because i must know.
check a myriad of news sources
in order to find the best
most current updates.
and images.

the earth is crying.
it’s people are screaming to be heard.

am i listening?

i turn on my computer.
i see blogs.
status updates.
youtube trailers, commercials.
box office top sellers.

and i can’t wrap my mind around it.

so i post pictures from
last weeks bike ride.

my mind.
it can’t hold it all.

UN gives thumbs up for war.
bombs. dropping.
nuclear reactors failing.
13,000 missing.
mothers. fathers. sisters. grandpas.

i see blogs posting
 pretty pictures.
arts & crafts.
cooking recipes.
travel plans.
funny stories.
kid stories.
new musicians.
new art openings.
personal narratives.
and on.

i can’t wrap my mind around it.

the thin hours of the morning
are getting used to my company.
because i don’t sleep when
i should.
i check just one more site.
to try to understand
the devastation.

i can’t understand.

mindlessly click through pictures
on Mark Zuckerberg’s genius invention.
i see
trips of spring break.
new additions to families in barking dog form.
engagement poses.
tales of last nights drinking binge.

my mind is spinning trying to hold it all.

i don’t know who to believe.
“We must go to war. Libyans are being masacurred.”
“We don’t want another Iraq.”
“Some Peace-Prize President you have.”
“Would we just wait for another Rwanda?”

i can’t wrap my mind around it.

bombs dropping
sign holding
accompany my dreams.

then i’m talking,
“hi how are you?”
“repeat after me, ‘nice to meet you’. good kids!”
“oh your a vegetarian? that’s awesome.”
“i want a new shirt.”
“damn korea. why can’t i get a good beer around here!”

. . . . . .

what is this?
what is this world that i live in?
it cannot all be connected.
it can’t be.
it just

fourth avenue

On 17, Mar 2011 | No Comments | In Uncategorized | By Natalie

my friend sent me this.
just this morning.
and i know exactly
this moment was captured.

on 4th avenue.
in a old, slightly leaning duplex.
2nd floor.
in the sun porch.
on the radiator.

words placed together
on a plank of distressed, 
weather-born wood
from my
dad’s wood pile.

with one word.
that speaks
so profoundly…

. . 
. . .
. . . . 
. . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . . .

. . . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . .
. . . .
. . .
. .

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flea markets.

On 14, Mar 2011 | No Comments | In Uncategorized | By Natalie

it’s amazing how the old
is always intriguing.
and beautiful.

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today. celebrate. woman.

On 08, Mar 2011 | One Comment | In Uncategorized | By Natalie

i met her by chance.
a couple of weeks ago.
she intrigued me.
she was locked. 
and i was curious to know what
was inside.
over dinner
she slowly opened a bit
of herself.
she shared her hopes.
her failed attempts.
and her dreams.

she spoke of diligence.
and it radiated from her core.
diligence in her relationships.
her family.
her friends.
and her education. 
her english
speaking was poised,
thoughtful and dynamic.

i’m not sure how it happened.
but she asked me
if i
would help her study more english.
i told her
she didn’t need it.
her english was possibly better 
than mine.
but she insisted.

she took my number.
told me she’d call.
and she did.

i think of the word
and completely delightful.
this is her.
her thoughts are soaking
with wisdom.
learned from a life lived…
her awareness of self
is poignant.
almost shocking
in utter clearness.

she has dreamed the dream of
as so many have.
to her, the work of being a 
flight attendant offers this.
her 20s are scattered with several 
ventures to achieve
this dream.
but the time has not been right.
she is no stranger to failed attempts.
life is mysterious, she says.
the time has not been right.

something about our chance encounter.
she said, inspired me.
your compliment
and confidence about my english skills…
job opportunities,
and something about the time…
it feels right this time.

so together. 

in coffee shops or small cafes
she is preparing.
i, assisting.
preparations for interviews.
because this intriguing woman
is living something.
something she has dreamed.
and all the while
she is teaching me.

always try.
we must.
because our dreams are apart of us.
life is mysterious.
but we must be diligent.
and you must not be afraid of failure, she says.
because failure just means
there is something else.

but we must dream.
and we must try.
so we do not have to wonder…
the way she pulls her hair
away from her face.
her enrapturing head-back laugh that shows
off her mischievous smile.
the way she grasps my arm when we walk.
our age difference.
while six years thick.
seems unimportant as i sit across
from her.

she jokes, calling me, sam.
the korean title for a teacher.

it humbles me.
because proper sentence arrangement
seems so insignificant.
to what i am absorbing.

never be afraid to dream.
and to try.
because we must.
we must try. she says.
when we part for the evening
it is i.
whose heart is filled. and pumping hard.
from my friend,

from my teacher.
because i am aware
of the risk of trying.
of what failure can look like.
how it can
eat at the very core.


she is not scared.
or so she tells me every time we meet.
this time is for fun.
she wants to do it to
not wonder…what if…
but there is a wince behind her
confident eyes
every time she says it.

i know she wants to believe it.
but trying,
trying can be scary.
giving it your very all.
is risky.

so today.
on International Women’s Day.
i wanted to tell you
a story.
about a woman.
who is dreaming.
who is hoping.
who is trying.
who has almost given up.
but she hasn’t.

she has taught me.
that without
what is there?
if we are not listneing to
the small voice inside,
what are we doing?
when will we start listening?
to ourselves.

today. celebrate. women.

learning to pray

On 27, Feb 2011 | No Comments | In Uncategorized | By Natalie

when i was a little girl.
i learned what it meant
to pray.

photo credit:

in sunday school.
we folded our hands.
and bowed our heads.
and tried not to let our eyes
sneak a peak.
to see if
anyone was cheating.

i remember feeling cramped.
feeling confined.
by the rules.

my mom — my dad — my nana
my papa.
taught me to pray.

and it wasn’t about rules.
it was apart of 
in the fluidity of the moments.
yet complex.
because it was important.

and even when i was young.
so young.
i knew
something i could not see
was happening.
something within me stirred.
ever so gently.

but as i grew.
and walked on my way out into the wide 
wide world.
i begin to see…

to see many things.
i began to experience truth…
truth that seemed to be 
outside the confines of what i understood
to be god.

so i decided to forget…
to forget how to prayer.

because it could not be
that important.
especially if there were
and divisions.

a few years went by.
as they seem to do,

i remember the first time.
in a mosque.
standing next to my friend.
our heads covered
with brightly colored scarfs.
we stood in perfect rows.
and together
with every woman present
we rocked.
…got to our knees
…pressed our foreheads into the rough carpet
…slowly rose to our feet

i was awkward.
my friend’s hand
guided my movement.
she didn’t laugh.
she only smiled.

then repeat.
we rocked.
…our knees
…forehead down
…to our feet

three times.

in the middle
of the moment i recognized something.
this praying
it was apart of everyday.
in the fluidity of the moments.
it was simple.
yet complex.
because it was important
do you know?
something i could not see
was happening.
something within me stirred.
ever so gently.

and time passed.
as it seems to have the habit of doing.

just yesterday. my friend.
asked me if i would go to
temple with her

to pray. for something very important
that would soon happen to her.
“have you been to a temple?
do you know how to pray?”

i was not

entirely sure how to answer.

she interpreted by pause.
i will teach you.”
she said.

so on a sunny, spring saturday.
we made our way to
Dongwasa Temple.
famous in this area.

as we approached temple’s door,
we removed our shoes
at the entrance.

the marble floor was cool
on the feet.
three small bows
with our hands together
in the center of the chest.
familiar to a namaste greeting in
yoga practice.

my friend
took my arm
guided me to stand next to her.
she told me to follow her.
…we got to our knees
…we placed our hands palm down
…we turned our palms up
…and raised them toward the sky
…slowly rose to our feet

three times.

do you know?
i recognized something.
this praying.
the fluidity. the simplicity.
yet complex.
because it was important
do you know?
something i could not see
was happening.
something within me stirred.
ever so gently.

and my soul told me.
you know this.
mom — dad — nana
your papa.
the mosque.
taught you this
long ago.
so long ago.

but this time?
the rhythm.
the repetition.
the movement.
made space within me
and i felt free. 

so very very

three different religions.
history of divisions.
but i can’t help wonder at
the similarities.

to say they are the same.
is to diminish
what is.
and what isn’t.

and who likes it when everything looks
the same.

but maybe.
just maybe we aren’t so different
as we might think.

and i might not think
i want it
or even need it.

but isn’t that what friends are for?
to remind us?
to teach us?
to point us toward the light?

it’s a journey.
and sometimes it uncomfortable.
some days i
won’t think it’s important.

but some days
maybe i will feel that
something within me stirring…
ever so gently.

after all
i am learning.

learning to pray.

young friend

On 21, Feb 2011 | No Comments | In Uncategorized | By Natalie

i got a great reminder.

in my inbox.
from my friend.

a few years
set themselves between us.
but time…
[as mary oliver teaches me daily]
its just another idea.

whenever i am with this friend.
or get to read
a few of her words
on my computer screen i am reminded
it is so important to have
friends in different
seasons of life.

she reminds me.
about what it means to be sixteen
heading to twenty-three.

and even though i think i 
tell myself everyday…
sometimes coming from my 
in the middle of her teens.
i am caused to pause
in a new way.
by the wisdom
that her words hold.

natalie, explore! explore! explore!
stay young and enjoy the ride.
life moves fast.

yes friend you are so right.
and i will.
stay young,

 and enjoy.