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to my biggest fan.

On 18, Jun 2012 | One Comment | In remembering | By Natalie

as i sat down to
write in his card this morning
i realized
he really is quite good at
so many things.

like running tons of miles
over his lunch hour.
and biking all day
or at least 50 miles.

then there’s motorcycles & sailboats.
his information about any and all
weather situations.
things like
cutting down trees & getting lost
in Costco aisles.
like when to follow maps & when
to find your own way. 

of course things like
seeing & listening.
investing wisely.
teaching truth.
making friends 
wherever he goes.
enjoying his every circumstance.

so many things.

but there’s one thing he’s
really good at.
and what’s funny is
he underwent absolutely zero training
for this endeavor.

and he actually seems to
be better at this one
than all the rest.

well, maybe i’m just biased.
(could be).

so Dad.
thanks for being the one
i call

want to know something?
i didn’t choose you.
and quite honestly you didn’t
exactly choose me either.

but Dad, here’s the thing.
you’ve chosen me
each and everyday 
of my life.

and i know
beyond a shadow of a doubt
that you’ll choose me
again tomorrow & the next day
and for as many days
as we have to come… 

and that.
that has made 
all the difference.

to my biggest fan.
(ps i’m yours too).

happy father’s day.



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  1. Love this. Too beautiful.

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